Major Barbara

Major Barbara

Ruth Page Center For Arts
1016 N. Dearborn Pkwy Chicago

In this modern masterwork that's been praised as a unique mix of Oscar Wilde and Bertolt Brecht, the great Irish writer George Bernard Shaw pits a military industrialist against his crusading daughter, from whom he's been estranged for years. She's a Salvation Army major; he's an arms manufacturer and whiskey distiller -- on certain issues, they could not disagree more. But when he begins donating money to her organization, matters come to a head as the characters grapple with questions of work, faith, family and philanthropy. The play first premiered in 1905 and opened on Broadway in 1915, and now ShawChicago Theater Company brings it to you in 2015 in their signature concert reading style at Ruth Page Center for the Arts.

Thru - May 18, 2015