Zoyka's Apartment

Zoyka's Apartment

Athenaeum Theatre
2936 N. Southport Chicago

Post-Revolution Soviet Union wasn't exactly home to the easiest of entrepreneurial opportunities ... it was more like the scene of a desperate mass exodus. But while everyone around her was scrambling to escape from their economic discontent and make way to Paris, Madame Zoyka -- bold, intelligent and hardheaded woman that she was -- decided to turn her apartment into a dressmaker's shop. Focusing on her frantic efforts to save as much as she can before the opportunity disappears, Mikhail Bulgakov's Zoyka's Apartment presents all the tragedy and farcical comedy of one powerful woman's efforts. Watch it all unfold on the stage of Athenaeum Theatre Studio Three in Chicago.

Presented by Bluebird Arts

Thru - Apr 2, 2016