My Girlfriend is the Devil!

My Girlfriend is the Devil!

4210 N Lincoln Ave Chicago

Michael heard dating could be hellish, but nothing prepared him for this. In My Girlfriend is the Devil!, Michael, a 25-year-old virgin, falls hard for his new girlfriend Tina. But it's only after Tina unexpectedly moves in with him and his improv-team roommates that their relationship starts to go south -- really far south. When a seance party inadvertently opens a portal to Hell and Beelzebub is set free, Michael and the gang must battle not only Evil Incarnate but also their own personal demons. Featuring dynamic fight sequences, original scoring, and the Dark Princess Herself, My Girlfriend Is the Devil!. takes rom-coms, sitcoms and old-school demonology and fuses them into a comedy like no other. Now Corn Productions presents their newest original production at The Cornservatory.

Thru - Jul 11, 2015