Coffee & Whiskey Productions
Karaoke Night at Al Capone's House of Pancakes

Pay: No Pay


Coffee & Whiskey Productions is making its debut with Karaoke Night at Al Capone's House of Pancakes at the Greenhouse Theatre May 25 - June 11, 2017. This is a fun, kitschy, and surprisingly heartfelt show we created in 2015. Last summer, we did a shortened version of the show as a proof-of-concept at the 2016 Chicago Fringe Festival, and it turned out to be quite the success (literally standing room only)! Anyway, we've been itching to share the fully realized version of it for over a year. Now is that time.

So, what is Karaoke Night at Al Capone's House of Pancakes about? Imagine a world where people fail to stick to the previously agreed upon terms of a break-up. A world where people try to win back their lost-love through song, but not in a Lloyd Dobbler kind of way. Imagine yourself in a world where you and your friends go out, get kind of drunk and sing songs other people wrote. Now add pancakes!

It's been a few weeks since the break-up, and it still doesn't make any sense. They were in love for so long, and then one day - POOF - it was over. I suppose it wasn't just a poof, but rather a series of poofs that left one resenting the other. The big POOF lead to the divvying up of friends, things, and karaoke joints. But, there's only one karaoke joint, and it will not be divvied up.

Through the magical combination of alcohol and karaoke, love attempts to circumvent rebounds, waitresses, and over-the-top gestures to find a second chance. While this rages on the surface, the strong undercurrent of a love that never was begins to flow between to long-time friends. Thus is the power of karaoke...and alcohol...and pancakes.

There are four (out of seven) parts up for grabs. If cast, you will be working with three of our ensemble members. Casting is colorblind/gender-blind. We are looking for performers who look to be 25-35-ish (flexible). Must be able to sing or sing badly with confidence (it is, after all, karaoke).

Blocks of time (30-60 minutes, depending on the size of the group) will be assigned ahead of time. Actor preferences will be accommodated to the best of our ability.
Friday March 10, 2017 @ The Annoyance Theatre (Studio D), 7pm-10pm
Saturday March 11, 2017 @ Pendulum Space, 9:30am-12:30pm(Back Space), 1:45pm-4pm (Stage Space).

UPDATE: Due to your overwhelming response, we are opening up auditions for Sunday, March 12 at The Annoyance Theatre from 3:00-8:00pm. It's a very good problem to have, so thank you.

Material To Prepare:

Sides will be provided when audition is confirmed. Actors should be prepared to read any character.
Actors must be prepared to sing karaoke (your song choice).

Contact Info:

Please send headshot, resume, karaoke song choice (x2), and audition day/time preference.

Reply To Email: nic@coffeeandwhiskeyproductions