Muse of Fire Theatre Company
Queen Margaret

Pay: $450 Stipend


Muse of Fire Theatre Company is now accepting non-Equity headshot/resumes for auditions by invitation only in May.

Queen Margaret is a world-premiere adaptation combining Shakespeare's Henry VI trilogy with Richard III and traditional storytelling. Actors of color strongly encouraged to audition. Seeking in particular actors with vocal training to perform outdoors without amplification. Experience with classical text a plus.

Seeking to cast:

Margaret - female, 25-40, strong, charismatic, a queen who desires power and is frustrated by her husband's inability to keep it

Suffolk/Somerset/Exeter - male, 30-60, experienced with small sword and/or rapier

-Suffolk: Margaret's lover, dynamic, powerful

-Somerset: a nobleman, quick to fight

-Exeter: a storyteller and peace-seeker

Henry - male, 25-40 pious, studious, an inexperienced king trying to figure out how to wield power

Gloucester/York/Richard - male, 25-60, experienced with small sword and/or rapier

-Gloucester: a nobleman with integrity

-York: a military man and leader of a rebellion, charismatic, a justice-seeker

-Richard: a fighter seeking revenge, wily, dangerous

Time Commitment:

Rehearsals held in Evanston June 28 - July 22, 6:30pm-10pm on weekdays and 2-6pm on weekends (Fridays off). Tech rehearsals Tuesday and Thursday, July 19 and 21, 2-6pm.

Performances in Evanston and Highland Park, Saturdays and Sundays, July 23 - August 28, at 3pm; Tues., Aug. 16 at 7:30pm; Friday and Saturday, August 19 and 20, at 7:30pm.

Contact Info:

Please send headshot/resume.

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