Gallery Theater
Plaza Suite

Pay: No Pay


The Gallery Theater of West Chicago will hold auditions for Neil Simon's Plaza Suite This classic Simon play is set in one room of the Plaza Hotel with a series of three vignettes featuring three different occupants.

Auditions will be held Monday, February 29 and Tuesday, March 1 at 6:30 to 9 p.m. and will consist of cold readings from the script. Callbacks, if needed, will be on Wednesday, the 2nd. Monologues are encouraged, but not mandatory. Appointment times are available, but walk-ins are always welcome. Auditions will be held at Gallery 200 Studio, 203 Turner Court, West Chicago

Character Descriptions
Karen Nash -- 45-50 years old. Pleasant, witty and down to earth. She is OK with looking middle-aged. She is also secretly hoping the stay at the Plaza will bring her and her husband closer together. Sam Nash-(50ish) Not accepting his age. He is trim, neat and well-tailored. He needs to know that others think he looks good. Sam is a workaholic, but not because he likes work. Jean Mc Cormack -- 26 to 30 years old. She is Sam's highly efficient secretary. She is well groomed, attractive, and bright and cheerful. She is also Sam's mistress.

Jesse Kiplinger - (40ish) Confident, successful Hollywood producer. He has one purpose in seeing Muriel.

Muriel Tate -- 35-40 years old. She is attractive and seems somewhat naive. She is warm, generous, and very impressed with Jesse though unsure of meeting with him.

Norma Hubley -- 50ish. Mother of the bride who tries to appear calm in a crisis. She sways from trying to keep Type-A husband in control while passively and aggressively taking a stand for herself.

Roy Hubley -- 50ish. Father of the bride with the bills to prove it. A competitive business man, out of his league when dealing with emotions and marrying off his daughter.

Borden Eisler-- 20ish. Confident groom, a man of few words. (Literally)

Mimsey Hubley - 20ish. Nervous bride, afraid of having her marriage turn out like her parents' marriage.

Bellhop & Waiter -- Open to anyone regardless of age/appearance. There will be a doubling of these rolls.

Note: The stage play is not the same as the movie. Sides are available and the play is available at most libraries.

Contact Info:

Email or call if you have questions.

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Phone: 630-234-5919