Chicago Artists Network
Jerry and Tom

Pay: No Pay


Chicago Artists Network is holding auditions for their upcoming production of Jerry and Tom: by Rick Cleveland

A man who is tied to a chair with a bag over his head is telling jokes to Jerry and Tom while they wait for a phone call instructing them to kill him. In a series of similarly intense vignettes, a Chicago hit man plays mentor to his impatient cohort in this horrifyingly hysterical comedy.

Seeking submissions for actors that can play the following types:

1 male 30s - 40s - Multiple Roles
1 Male late 50s - 60's - Tom

Time Commitment:

Rehearsals will start the first week in May on weekday evenings and will be flexible depending on schedules. Performances will be on Thursdays in June at the Profiles Alley Space

Contact Info:

Please Submit HS/Resume.

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