Waltzing Mechanics
Line One

Pay: Stipend


The Waltzing Mechanics are seeking male and female actors of all ethnicities for the Chicago premiere of Line One, created by John Kaufmann and co-directed by Waltzing Mechanics founders Zack Florent, Keely Leonard, and Thomas Murray. A small stipend is available.

Line One is a performance where actors speak only the words they hear through the earpieces of their cell phones. The actors come on stage not knowing what they will say on any given night. Their job is simply to deliver exactly what they hear to the audience. The phones start to ring, and the real-time adventure begins. Spontaneous conversations, narrated journeys, and unique experiences overlap as each night's theme emerges.

Time Commitment:

Rehearsals begin with a daytime workshop in Beloit, WI with creator John Kaufmann on Sunday, October 5th (transportation provided). Additional rehearsals will take place on weekday evenings in Edgewater from October 6th-November 13th. Performances are from November 14th-December 14th at the Greenhouse Theater Center.

Material To Prepare:

There are no sides or monologues to prepare. Actors will be given headphones and an excerpt of recorded text that they will be asked to speak aloud as they hear it. Actors should be able to "channel" the speech verbatim and simultaneously without waiting for breaks in the speech.

Contact Info:

For consideration, please send H/R to Adrienne Matzen.

Reply To Email: amatzen@waltzingmechanics.org
Website: www.waltzingmechanics.org