Odradek Theatre Company
Paradise Park

Pay: Yes


Odradek Theatre Company is excited to announce auditions for its next production Paradise Park, a play by Chicago-based writers, adapted from Charles Mee's work of the same title.

Auditions will be held November 21, 2011 and 22 from 6pm-10pm at The Think Tank. Callbacks will be November 28, 2011 from 6pm-10pm.

Paradise Park is an exploration of what we see as life and civilization and the possibility of invisible creators, but mirrored through an ersatz "paradise" world that advertises itself as an amusement park. With the purchase of a fairly priced ticket anyone can escape to an endlessly expanding universe of worlds and lands to satisfy any interests and desires; where everything is free, anything is obtainable, and travel doesn't involve the TSA. Most guests only buy their single or family passes in order to stay for a few days, but the appeal of a world without problems, pain, or stress becomes too appealing. Or, heading back into the real world becomes too intimidating. However, like the real world, humans are too complex to complacently enjoy bliss, and bring their problems with them or create new ones. As problems pursue, the visitors escape further and further into the park, undoubtedly becoming lost and confused, and seemingly trapped.

Benny: male, 20's-30's
Ella: female, 30'2-30's
Jorge: male, 20's
Edgar: male, 20's- early 40's
Charlie/Mortimer: male, 20's- 30's
Darling: female, 20's (must be able to play 16)
Nancy: female, late 30's-50's
Morton: male, late 30's- 50's
Vikram: male, 20's-30's
(*Note: some actors may double as other characters)

1770 W Berteau Ave
Ste 207
Chicago, 60613
(between Hermitage Ave and Ravenswood Ave)

Odradek Theatre Company is an emerging storefront theatre company in Chicago, with a mission to bring together, under one collective mind, an array of artists to create art that would otherwise be inconceivable. Odradek creates fresh productions that challenge the mind and tug at the heart by providing opportunities for new playwrights get to see their work performed, never-heard-of musicians to turn-up their amps, and teams of designers to create imaginative landscapes.

Time Commitment:

Rehearsals for Paradise Park will be mostly weeknights beginning in late February; performances will run April 12-May 5, Thursdays-Saturdays.

Material To Prepare:

For your audition, prepare two contrasting monologues (3 minutes each).

Contact Info:

To be considered for auditions, email your resume and headshot (or recent picture). Please note in the email your preferred date and time for the audition and put "Odradek Theatre / Paradise Park Audition Request" in the headline of the email. If selected to audition for this production you will receive an email with your assigned audition date and time. Please submit the required documents mentioned above by November 18, 2011.

Reply To Email: ashleymariequijano@gmail.com