The Half-Brothers Mendelssohn

The Half-Brothers Mendelssohn

Signal Ensemble Theatre
1802 West Berenice Ave Chicago

Change the past. Alter the future. Find true love. Bring back the dead. Theo Mendelssohn believes he can achieve all of these by building a working time machine to blast twenty years into the past and stop his mother from abandoning the family in 1908. But, by doing so will he also prevent his father's second marriage and the birth of his doubly doomed half-brother, Nicholas? Not if Nicholas has anything to say about it! Join The Strange Tree Group as we tumble back through time to set right what once went wrong, fall in love with other people's mothers, cause calamitous train accidents and try desperately to get the piano tuned in Elizabeth Bagby's, THE HALF-BROTHER'S MENDELSSOHN.

Presented by Strange Tree Group

Thru - Jul 20, 2013