Sound Of Silence

Sound Of Silence

Theater Wit
1229 W Belmont Ave Chicago

Originally written in 1940 by Jean Cocteau as a showcase for Edith Piaf, The Sound of Silence is a one women tour de force for actress Noémi Schlosser. Written and performed with wit and passion in a multimedia setting, The Sound of Silence tells the story of a svelte nightclub singer confronting and berating the unfaithful lover who sits silently on stage, dozing behind his newspaper before he coolly departs for another rendezvous with his ugly, aging mistress. Piaf’s 1940 performance of this piece is legendary. Schlosser assumes the Piaf mantle and adds her own nuances in this new 2011 premiere.

Presented by Salomee Speelt

Thru - Dec 17, 2011