You Think It's Easy Being The Tooth Fairy?

You Think It's Easy Being The Tooth Fairy?

Lifeline Theatre
6912 North Glenwood Chicago

Dew Drop just landed her dream assignment: training to become the next Tooth Fairy! But after coming on board, she learns that there's more to the job than simply being sparkly: it's going to take guts, skill, and a whole lot of training to succeed. Working closely with her mentor - and a flashy flock of firefly assistants - Dew Drop must learn the rules of Command Central, master "Tooth-o-Finder" technology, and bench press mountains of quarters before she can fly on her own. Tackle a new challenge and learn what it takes to succeed in the fast-paced tooth collection industry with this world premiere musical based on the 2007 book. This production is recommended for children ages five and up (children under two not permitted), and runs approximately one hour with no intermission.

Thru - Apr 22, 2018