The Little Foxes

The Little Foxes

The Greenhouse Theater Center
2257 N Lincoln Avenue Chicago

The play was acclaimed an instant hit after a hugely successful opening night in 1939 and even then, as now, drama and literary critics disagree over whether the story of the Hubbard family succeeds more as a morality play or as a satire. The Hubbard siblings steal and plot against each other in their efforts to invest in one of the first cotton mills to industrialize the New South, a plan that stands to win them millions of dollars. The Hubbards are a family prone to deceit, caught in a cycle of revenge not unlike Greek classical tragedies. The family forbearers harvested their merchant profits by overcharging newly freed slaves, and now the present Hubbards will create a larger dynasty on the toil of poor workers, who will flock to the cotton mill for paltry wages. The play voices Marxist disapproval of the Hubbard form of predatory capitalism that Hellman felt threatened the American ethic.

Thru - Mar 8, 2009