BimBamBoom Burlesque
Burlesque Dancers

Pay: Yes


BimBamBoom is holding open auditions for burlesque dancers for our regular shows, Peep Show, Nerdlesque and The Hyde After Dark. Boom is in it's 2nd year of production and encourages independent performers to have ownership and autonomy over their own performances. Our producer is a male, but our Advisory Council of current company members are all female performers in our company, who can field concerns and ensure safety for all of our performers.

Auditionees must be Chicago residents, over the age 21, who are comfortable performing striptease in public performance. Any and all body types are welcome to audition. Preference will be given for performers who a.) already have burlesque routines completed or b.) actresses with dance or movement training. We can assist performers to develop their first routines in the shows.

All positions are paid. (Per show pay + tips + other benefits.)

Auditions will be held at Under The Gun Theater (956 W. Newport Ave.)

Dancers choreography, costume and design their own acts. Boom production company members will assist in that process and assign an experienced burly performer to act as your "Big Sister" to support new performers.

None of our shows have any sort of structured rehearsals. Performances would begin in May/June.

Time Commitment:

Currently BimBamBoom produces 6 monthly shows. Usually performed at 10pm or after. We ask that dancers perform at one show per month. Shows are scheduled two months in advance.

Material To Prepare:

Please prepare a 2 - 3 minute dance routine to the song of your choice. Ideally that routine would showcase your stage presence and any special skills you possess. (Please keep props and scenery to a minimum.) Routines should also showcase striptease.

Contact Info:

To signup for an audition, email us at with the following materials:
Theatrical Resume
Headshot or Performance Picture
Links to any relevant online video content
Mp3 of your audition piece song.

For more information (jncluding a thorough FAQ) please visit our Facebook event for the auditions:

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