Big Noise Theatre
The Odd Couple

Pay: Commission


Big Noise Theatre announces auditions for THE ODD COUPLE. This classic comedy opens as a group of the guys assemble for cards in the apartment of divorced Oscar Madison. And if the mess is any indication, it's no wonder that his wife left him. Late to arrive is Felix Unger, who has just been separated from his wife. Fastidious, depressed, and none too tense, Felix seems suicidal, but as the action unfolds, Oscar becomes the one with murder on his mind when the clean freak and the slob ultimately decide to room together with hilarious results.

Directed by Chris Causer
Produced by Brent Walker

Seeking the following:
Oscar Madison: (Male) (Lead) (Late 30s-50s) Sportswriter. Recently divorced.

Felix Ungar: (Male) (Lead) (Late 30s-50s) News Writer. Marriage is ending.

Murray: (Male) (Supporting) (Late 30s-50s) Poker buddy. Policeman.

Speed: (Male) (Supporting) (Late 30s-50s) Poker buddy. A Playful bully.

Vinnie: (Male) (Supporting) (Late 30s-50s) Poker buddy. Mild-mannered. Hen-pecked.

Roy: (Male) (Supporting) (Late 30s-50s) Poker buddy. Oscar's accountant. Dry wit.

Cecily Pigeon: (Female) (Supporting) (Late 20s-40s) Oscar's upstairs neighbor. Gwendolyn's sister. Divorcee. English (British Accent).

Gwendolyn Pigeon: (Female) (Supporting) (Late 20s-40s) Oscar's upstairs neighbor. Cecily's sister. Widow. English (British Accent).

Please be advised that all roles are open to any race.

Auditions will be held at St. Stephens, 1280 Prospect Ave., Des Plaines (park at the back of the school) October 22 and 23 from 7pm-10pm with callbacks (if necessary) held on October 25 at 7pm. Please sign up for a slot. Walk-ins will be seen.

Time Commitment:

Rehearsals will be held in Des Plaines from November 12 to January 11 (no rehearsals November 22 through 24, December 22 through 26, and December 31 through January 1). Performances are at Prairie Lakes Theater in Des Plaines, IL, January 12 through January 28, 2018; Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30pm & Sundays at 2pm.

Material To Prepare:

Bring a headshot and resume if possible. No prepared monologues required. Sides will be provided upon arrival for cold readings during audition.

Contact Info:

Please sign up for a slot at website.
