Not For Sale

Not For Sale

UrbanTheater Company
2620 W. Division Chicago

Not for Sale, which received its World Premiere last year as part of Destinos, the second annual Chicago International Latino Theater Festival (CLATA), revolves around Reynaldo, whose store has been a fixture of Division Street long before it was designated Paseo Boricua. The neighborhood around him is changing, though: property taxes are going up and so are property values. Reynaldo, like most of his neighbors and fellow business owners, is working hard to make ends meet but that hasn't stopped real estate agents from circling around his business. And now that the young owners of a recently opened wellness store next to his have started a campaign against Humboldt Park's traditional Fiestas Puertorriqueñas, Reynaldo's store has become the center of a larger debate: who has the right to shape a community's history and future? Who gets to lay claim to a neighborhood?

Thru - Apr 7, 2019