Women's Theatre Alliance
Actors' Scene Showcase

Pay: No Pay


The Women's Theatre Alliance (WTA) invites actors to choose a 5-8 minute, 2-person scene to audition on Saturday, Nov. 16. One actor in the scene must identify as female. Scene partners may be any gender, and inclusive of all gender identities. The ten best scenes perform in our Actors' Scene Showcase at Greenhouse Theater Center on December 11 for agents, casting directors, and public. This year is our 27th annual.

Time Commitment:

One prepared (off-book) 5-8 minute scene for Nov. 16 auditions. One tech/rehearsal for winning scenes on Dec. 9, one performance on Dec. 11.

Contact Info:

You must choose a scene to audition, a scene partner, and a director, then fill out and email the application form with headshot/resumes per instructions on the application.

Deadline for applications is Oct. 18. Download application at website.

Directors who want to make themselves available to scenes should submit their resumes via email.

Reply To Email: draysa1@gmail.com
Website: www.wtachicago.org/1536/3822.html