microplay submissions

Pay: $10 Commission


microChicago is currently taking submissions for 1 page microplays to be included in our upcoming paper festival, "Orange Line", part 3 of a multi-year spanning project dedicated to chronicling little moments connected to all 145 Chicago Elevated train stops. These will initially be rolled out digitally in a "paper" festival format, with the goal to culminate the festival into a live reading. All selected plays and special citations will receive a modest $10 commission, as well as share of profits for any live events.

mC & Playwright Agreement: The essential outline of the agreement would allow us to showcase your work on our social media as well as including in an archival collection and a collection for reading on a forthcoming microChicago New Play Exchange page. Both parties acknowledge that selected plays will receive a $10 commission, as well as percentages of potential performances, publications and other revenue generated by projects involving their work, unless otherwise waived by the playwright, who will retain all rights and creative ownership, in addition to microChicago's initial publications via social media, and New Play Exchange publication inclusion, archival retention, or other potential publication collaborations, in which playwrights' will be asked to confirm inclusion. microChicago simply aims to be a sounding board or jumping off point for amplifying creatives interested in exploring the infinite space of small. Agreement subject to amendment, with updates and re-confirmation by collaborators. Any additional questions can be forwarded to our email: microchicago2024@gmail.com

Contact Info:

Submissions can be sent to microchicago2024@gmail.com, under the following guidelines:

Subject line to read: NAME_STOP(ex. DakotaPariset_Midway)

1. 1 short play, not to exceed 1.5 pages, inspired by one of the 16 Orange Line 'L' stations(with the exceptions of LaSalle/Van Buren, Ashalnd, and Pulaski). Scripts exceeding 2 pages will not be considered
2. Brief bio/short artistic statement, and a brief statement on your connection to the Orange Line/your respective stop.
3. Headshot/photo

We will be taking submissions until end of day, February 27th. For examples of microplays, please visit The Lightbulb Factory or microChicago's Facebook or Instagram accounts!

Reply To Email: microchicago2024@gmail.com