No Dogs in the Kitchen
The Wolves

Pay: No Pay


No Dogs in the Kitchen is seeking swings for their fall production of The Wolves, by Sarah DeLappe.

We are not offering a stipend at this time; however, all donations received will go towards an "Actor Fund" that will be distributed evenly between all members of the cast at the end of the run.

Swing Track 1:*

#2 (u/s): Defense. Innocent, unlucky, kind, skinny. Sixteen.

#8 (u/s): Defense. Childlike and determined to stay that way. Sixteen.

#46 (u/s): Bench. New girl. Awkward, different, just wants to fit in. Sixteen.

(*#2, #8, and #46 will be understudied by the same actor.)

Swing Track 2:*

#25 (u/s): Defense. Captain. Classic (ex.) coach's daughter. Seventeen.

#11 (u/s): Midfield. Brainy, morbid, budding elitist, thoughtful. Seventeen.

#00 (u/s): Goalie. Intense performance anxiety, perfectionist, high achiever. Seventeen.

(*#25, #11, and #00 will be understudied by the same actor.)

Time Commitment:

-Rehearsals: August 13th - November 21st, Tuesday-Thursday, 6:30-9:30 p.m.
-Tech: December 2nd - 5th
-Performances: December 6th, 7th, 8th, 13th, 14th, and 15th.

Rehearsals will take place in the Lincoln Square & Lakeview neighborhoods. Performances will be at City Lit Theatre (1020 W. Bryn Mawr Ave.).

Contact Info:

If interested, please send hs/resume to

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