You Never Can Tell

You Never Can Tell

Ruth Page Center For Arts
1016 N. Dearborn Pkwy Chicago

It's 1896, and the British suffrage movement is steadily gaining steam. Dolly, Philip and Gloria arrive with their mother, Mrs. Clandon, famed advocate and author of books on modern gender roles, propriety and behavior. However, upon reaching English soil, the three siblings press their mother to reveal their father's identity. Little do they know that they have already met him: a crotchety Fergus Crampton; and his tenant, a misogynistic, five-shilling dentist named Valentine. To make matters worse for the separated pair, their children have unwittingly invited them all to lunch. Amidst the impending fiasco, Valentine declares his love for Gloria. In his dogged pursuit, both are pitched into a heated debate about women's rights to education, owning property, a job, and marriage.

Thru - Mar 28, 2016