The Master and Margarita

The Master and Margarita

Strawdog Theatre
1802 W. Berenice Chicago

"The Master and Margarita," is a phantasmagorical ride through Stalinist Russia. The Master, a playwright trying desperately to get his script about Jesus and Pontius Pilate produced, fights with Theatre Critics and Cultural Commissars at every turn. He is driven to the edge of a despair so deep that not even his lover Margarita can reach him. Into the middle of this bleak picture steps the shabby aristocrat Professor Woland, a specialist in black magic and his unwholesome entourage (including a talking cat). The entourage has to come to set Moscow on its ear with magic, violence and a party of the damned that no bureaucrat could ever hope to censor.

Thru - Apr 2, 2011