The Public House Theatre
50 Shades of Plaid

Pay: No Pay


This parody of Fifty Shades of Grey, is a coming-of-age story with every pun intended. Sandy is a Junior in college, bookish and shy, with a burning imagination. She falls head-over-heels for Thomas Plaid- the most popular guy on campus, rugged, handsome and anything but her intellectual equal. Over the course of an hour, Sandy invites the audience into her most private fantasies and public discoveries as she tries to get to the heart of Thomas Plaid, and most importantly, herself.


1 Female/1 Male

Sandy: F, Junior in College, English Major, outwardly shy but tries to play cool, inwardly neurotic and preoccupied with wild fantasies and conflicted feelings about the object of her affection, Thomas Plaid. Linguistically adept. Addresses the audience as her confidant.

Tom: M, President of the biggest Frat on campus, according to Sandy, "He's handsome, his family is rich, and he dates the most beautiful girls on campus." Bro-type- not particularly bright or verbal, except when he appears in Sandy's dreams.

DISCLAIMER: Though this is a satire, the material is still very sexually charged in nature. The actors, and especially Sandy, must be comfortable using graphic language and making physical contact. NO nudity required.

Time Commitment:

The show will run on Thursdays at 9:30pm, from July 9th-30th at The Public House Theatre.

Material To Prepare:

Sides will be provided at the audition and sent with confirmation of audition appointment.

Contact Info:

To request an appointment to audition, please send your headshot and resume with subject line: PLAID AUDITION. You will receive sides upon confirmation of your appointment. (Submissions without BOTH a headshot and resume will not be considered.)

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