Village Theatre Guild
Grace and Glorie

Pay: No Pay


The Village Theatre Guild, Ltd. will hold open auditions at 1 p.m. on Sunday, August 3, for "Grace and Glorie" by Tom Ziegler. This heart-warming play will run weekends from October 17 through November 8 at VTG, located near the northwest corner of Butterfield Rd. and Park Blvd. in Glen Ellyn, IL.

Director Charles Bernstein is seeking two women, one 70+ and the other in her 30s to 40s.

Grace is 90 years old and has checked herself out of the hospital to die at home. Glorie is the young woman who attempts to care for the cantankerous Grace. This is a beautiful story of two very different people forming a close bond.

Grace (F) 70+ - sharp, witty, cantankerous
Glorie (F) 30s to 40s - intelligent, functional, sophisticated

Material To Prepare:

Auditions will consist of readings from the script.

Contact Info:

For more information, call producer Sue Keenan.

Phone: 630-469-5414