The Public House Theatre
Love Me, Tinder

Pay: $100 Stipend


The Public House Theatre is braving dating and love in the modern world with "Love Me, Tinder." This new comedy promises to be an incredibly honest and rollicking time, taking a look at the use of new technology to quell age-old desires and questions.

Told from all sides, the story follows Steven, a rather hapless fellow that has decided to take up the Quest for Love after a falling out with his ex. But is he really ready to face the world of catfishing, sex-bots, and the next-level app that Tinder has secretly been formulating...FireStorm?

"Love Me, Tinder" is written by Byron Hatfield ("Bye Bye Liver," "How To Lose Jobs And Alienate Friends").

Actors Needed:
3 Male
2 Female
(All to play ages 25-35)

Time Commitment:

Show Dates: May 22nd- June 28th, Thursdays at 8pm, Fridays and Saturdays at 10pm

Material To Prepare:

Sides will be provided at the audition.
1 min. comedic monologue optional (contemporary preferred).
Please bring one stapled headshot and resume.

Contact Info:

To schedule an appointment, please send a headshot and resume with Audition: Love Me, Tinder in the subject line.

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